The sad part is that Westbrook is still adamant that the best player in the world is him. He took no responsibility for 2K MT his team's mishaps in his exit interview last season. Westbrook has an ego for basketball which is extremely difficult to break. Maybe the people on NBA 2K23 can break that confidence a bit but. The ratings for the game are beginning to surface and Westbrook's rating isn't the one of a star player (which Westbrook believes he is). It's an unidirectional bench player.

Many things changed regarding the Los Angeles Lakers when the team decided to trade for Russell Westbrook last summer. Los Angeles traded legitimate NBA assets as well as a first-round selection in exchange for Westbrook in an action that was widely decried when it was made. Every one of the critics of the trade were correct, and Westbrook ended up being the biggest thorn in the team's side during the last season. Now, the Lakers have found themselves in the place that they'll benefit in the event that they trade Westbrook but could have thought about it but have given up.

The worst part is that Westbrook believes that the best player in the world is him. He was unable to accept any part of the blame for the team's lack of success in his final interview last season. Westbrook has an ego in basketball that's extremely hard to break. Perhaps the folks at NBA 2K23 can break that illusion of a ego a bit, however. Ratings for the upcoming game are starting to come out and Westbrook's rating is not one of a superstar player (which Westbrook thinks he's). It's that of the bench player who rotates.

Russell Westbrook was given an awful 78 percent overall score on NBA 2K23. Russell Westbrook has the fourth-highest 2K23 rating for Buy NBA 2K23 MT the Los Angeles Lakers. Westbrook clearly is behind LeBron and Anthony Davis but he is in the same position as his teammate as well. The folks over at 2K gave Patrick Beverley a 79 overall rating, which is right for the position he's where he is in his playing career.